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Zimbabwe: Woman gives birth after 12 months

 A mature woman who is believed to have been a victim of juju recently gave birth to a “miracle” baby boy after carrying the pregnancy for 12 months.  Read more here.

Tanzania: Commission: Witchcraft instils hatred, hinders social progress

Superstitious beliefs are counter-development for they make people find simplistic solutions to real problems and they induce fear and hatred to other people. The Nyalali Commission looked at the law that regulates witchcraft and proposed what should be repealed. Read more here.

Palestine: PA police detain 5 men accused of ‘witchcraft’

BETHLEHEM (Ma’an) — Palestinian Authority police on Monday detained five people in Bethlehem accused of practicing witchcraft and sorcery. Read more here.

Ghana: Hypertension cases high in Kukuo witches camp

A health screening exercise conducted on the alleged witches at the Kukuo camp in the Nanumba North District has revealed high hypertensive cases among the inmates. Read more here.

Nigeria: Enugu Community in Turmoil Over Suspected Ritual Murder of 4-Year-Old Boy

Reverend Pastor Charles Nwachukwu Ejim of All Nations for Christ Bible Church, Akpugo, Nkanu West Local Government Area of Enugu State and his wife, Charity, have given a graphic and pathetic detail of how their last child, four-year-old Marvelous Ugochukwu Ejim was cunningly picked by a trusted friend of the family and subsequently had his throat slashed with a knife. Read more here.

India: Santhals framing rule guide book to eradicate superstition

With witchcraft and dowry killings being increasingly reported among the Santhals, the tribe, living mostly in eastern India, is engaged in framing a “codified rule guide book” to do away with the social ills. Read more here.

Ghana: ActionAid Ghana celebrates Mother’s Day with alleged witches

As part of efforts to redeem the human rights and dignity of alleged witches, ActionAid Ghana (AAG) and its partner Songtaba, both non-governmental organizations on Friday celebrated Mother’s Day with the inmates of the Gnani witches camp. Read more here.

Gabon: Thousands march against ritual killings

LIBREVILLE, Gabon (AP) — Thousands of Gabonese people marched to protest ritual killings, in which people are murdered so their body parts can be used in amulets to bring good luck. Sylvia Bongo Ondimba, Gabon’s first lady, led the event Saturday along with Christian and Muslim religious leaders. Read more here.

Ghana: Children of alleged witches forced to withdraw from school

Children of alleged witches in Ghani witches camp in Yendi in the Northern region, are appealing to government to establish an alternative school in their community to save them from the constant stigmatization they suffer in the hands of their classmates.  Read more here.

Saudi Arabia: Saudi Arabian mosque preacher arrested for sorcery

An unnamed man has been arrested in Saudi Arabia for practicing magic and using two wolves to frighten off jinn, the Arabic word for ghosts. According to an Emirates 24/7 report dated May 6, Saudi Arabian authorities raided the house of the sorcerer in the town of Almaa and seized his wolves, along with 63 talismans and a large sum of other magic items. Read more here.

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