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USA: More Charges Against Self-Proclaimed ‘Witch’ Pending; Victims Family Speaks Out

A Henderson woman is in jail tonight charged with three counts of first degree sexual abuse. Henderson Police say Smith tried to scare her alleged victims into silence by claiming to be a practicing witch. Meanwhile, a family member of an alleged victim says the family is trying to ‘move on.’

Henderson Police say Smith engaged in sexual activities with a number of children ages 6 to 13.

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India: ‘Sorcerer’ sentenced to death in India for decapitating a baby and drinking its blood in occult ritual

An Indian man has been sentenced to death after decapitating a baby and drinking the child’s blood. The incident took place two years ago during an occult ritual in Kalakuri village in Bankura, West Bengal, Indian media reports.

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Cambodia: ‘Sorcerer’ decapitated by villagers in Cambodia

A CAMBODIAN man was decapitated in an attack by villagers after he was accused of being a sorcerer in a nation that strongly believes in black magic.

The victim, 55-year-old Khieu Porn, was hacked to death with axes by unknown attackers on Saturday night when villagers were celebrating a rice harvest ceremony, according to Som Chantha, a district police chief in the southern province of Kampong Speu.

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USA: Exorcism Deaths: Maryland Mother Stabs Her Two Children To Death In Bizarre Ritual

A young mother from Maryland stabbed her children, killing two of them, and injuring the other two, as she performed some kind of exorcism ritual. The woman, 28-year-old, Zakieya L. Avery, was charged with two counts of first-degree murder as well as two counts of attempted first-degree murder.

Police have also charged a second woman who they believe was also involved in the exorcism deaths.

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Saudi Arabia: Man accuses ghost of trying to burn his house

A Saudi man accused jinn (ghosts) of starting 21 fires at his house over a period of three years and that he often hears incomprehensible voices during the blazes.

Ibrahim Al Asiri said 10 of the incidents involved major fires which were extinguished by the civil defense and that he managed to put out the rest. “The problem is that when I poured water on the fire, it gets bigger….while I extinguished some of those fires, I was hearing incomprehensible voices behind doors at my home,”

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Indonesia: Indonesian president says he believes in witchcraft

Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono may be the first Indonesian president to acknowledge publicly he believes in witchcraft. In a recently published memoir, he describes a “horror movie” style encounter with black magic at his residence.

“Suddenly, my wife screamed,” writes Yudhoyono in the 900-page book, “Selalu Ada Pilihan” (There is Always a Choice). “There was this thick dark cloud hovering beneath the ceiling, trying to enter my bedroom. I then asked everybody to pray to seek Allah’s help. I closed the door to my room but left others wide open. The revolving clouds eventually headed out of my house.”

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Benin: Witchcraft and Child Abuse Go Hand in Hand in Benin

To survive, children living in extreme poverty steal food. Oftentimes in Benin, as a result of their actions they are accused of witchcraft and are brutally beaten to death. Those children who do survive this emerging social phenomenon in Benin and neighboring countries end up physically and emotionally scarred.

Any number of reasons, running the gamut from misdemeanors to birth defects, can cause a child in Benin to be accused of sorcery. These children, who are almost always destitute, are stigmatized for life, chased from their communities and abandoned by their families.

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Nigeria: Teenager Caged for 30 months over Alleged Witchcraft Regains Freedom

A 16-year old girl who was locked up by her parents in a wooden cage for over 30 months on allegation of witchcraft has been rescued in Bayelsa State. 

Over nine years ago, the teenager identified as Blessing Olokumo, a twin, was diagnosed with a strange illness, which triggers convulsion. The illness was later attributed to witchcraft. 

Her father who is also a twin, allegedly built the cage and locked up the girl to keep her away from the main house. 

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Nepal: Woman thrashed for practicing ‘witchcraft’

A woman of Pokhari Narayansthan VDC in Kavre has become the latest victim of witchcraft charges. The incident came to light after the victim filed an FIR with police yesterday. She has sought stern punishment against the perpetrators.

According to the complaint, the victim’s sister-in-laws, Pasang Tamang and Manamaya Tamang, had beaten her black and blue and fed her human faeces while her husband was away, on January 15.

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Nigeria: Life, Death and Witchcraft in the Niger Delta

“On the Far Side of the Fire,” an essay by Jessica Wilbanks.

“Helen Ukpabio wears wide-brimmed hats in jewel tones and pumps dyed to match, and in 2009 she was consecrated as an apostle of the Lord. She says that the people of Akwa Ibom are not being ravaged from without, by impersonal demons of political corruption, environmental devastation, and disease, but rather from within, by sin and demonic attacks. The problem here is not material, she says, but spiritual—she says that she should know. When Helen was fourteen she was initiated into the ways of witchcraft and was even betrothed to Lucifer himself. God delivered her (thanks be to His name), but she still sees the world through spiritual eyes. She can look at someone for just a moment and know if they are walking in the light of God or are plagued by spirits of poverty, infertility, and disease. My father, who worships the same God Helen worships, would call this the gift of discernment…”

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