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Nigeria: Murder for money…Victims of ritual murders tell their stories

Virtually every day, many police stations nationwide especially in the South West of the country are inundated with reports of missing persons. Available records show that less than 10 percent of such persons ever returned home. A scary 90 percent of them was not found and the bodies of a negligible number that were eventually seen, dumped either on the roadsides, bush paths or inside gutters, mutilated and their vital organs removed. More here

New Zealand: Clinic closed over ‘witchcraft’ concerns

Wanganui District Health Board canned its natural therapy clinic after senior doctors expressed concerns about “witchcraft” being practised at the hospital, leaked documents reveal. Full story here

Kenya: Mother and daughter linked to ritual killing

The mother of a prime suspect arrested over the shock killing of a seven-year-old girl in Mtwapa broke down in tears yesterday after she was charged with the murder. Read more here

South Africa: 15 years for killing ‘witch’

Willowvale – A convicted murderer was jailed for 15 years on Friday by the Willowvale Regional Court, Eastern Cape police said. Full story here

India: Odisha woman sarpanch held for torture over witchcraft

A woman sarpanch (village head) was arrested for the torture of four people, three of them women, over witchcraft in Odisha’s Sundergarh district, taking the total arrests in the case to four, police said Thursday. Read more here 

Zimbabwe: Witchcraft scare in Kuwadzana

Harare – Residents of Harare’s high density suburb of Kuwadzana are living in fear after claims that a local primary school child was a victim of witchcraft. More here 

Uganda: Man arrested for sacrificing own child

The Police in Katwe have arrested a man who abducted his own child for ritual sacrifice. Full story here

Tanzania: Irate mob burns witchcraft suspects’ houses in Mbeya

An angry mob took it upon itself to burn down houses belonging to four different families that had long been suspected of witchcraft at Ihahi village in in Mbarali district, Mbeya region. Read more here 

Papua New Guinea: cops save women from witch burning

Papua New Guinea police have rescued two women accused of sorcery who were about to be set alight, a report said. Read more here

India: Witchcraft accusations behind the murder of a widow

On webindia123, a news report reveals that several unknown assailants murdered Kaushalya Sardar, a 65-year-old tribal woman living in the Jharkhand state of India, following accusations of black magick practices against her. Sardar, a widow, lived alone in Matuku Panchyat of Potka in the village of Pitchli at the time of the murder. While the killers remain at large, Sardar’s daughter is accusing two people of the heinous crime. She has filed complaints against the unnamed suspects. More here 

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