
Uganda: Ritual murder – Four men to spend 45 years in prison

Four men have been handed a 45-year jail term after being found guilty of killing a 12-year-old girl in a ritual sacrifice in Kyankwanzi District. Read more here.

Malawi: Court in Malawi saves alleged witch from village eviction

The high court in in Mzuzu has restrained Village Headman Green Mwafongo and his Wanyambala from evicting or chasing Winston Sikamba from his home village Donald village, Traditional Authority Kyungu in Karonga district following allegations that he was killing people in the area through witchcraft. Read more here.

Philippines: Witchcraft talk leads to murder

Mangatarem, Pangasinan — Two men are now being hunted by police after killing a 56-year-old woman, accused of practicing witchcraft in Barangay Bantocaling, here, last Sunday afternoon. Read more here.

South Africa: 14-Year-old Masia boy brutally murdered

The lifeless body of a 14-year-old boy was discovered at the back of the cemetery at Majozi village last Thursday morning. It is alleged that the body has a gorged skull and was missing its private parts. It is suspected that the deceased is another victim of ritual murder. Read more here.

Chile: Baby Burned Alive – Chile Arrests 4 Accused Of Killing Child For Being ‘Antichrist’ In Ritual Sacrifice

SANTIAGO, Chile — Chilean police on Thursday arrested four people accused of burning a baby alive in a ritual because the leader of the sect believed that the end of the world was near and that the child was the antichrist. Read more here.

Nigeria: Juju man caught trying to pack the remains of accident victims in Port Harcourt

Youth of Ohaji in Imo state, on Tuesday caught a man who was trying to gather the remains of accident victims on the Owerri Port Harcourt express road,after the Army Barracks in Obinze. Read more here.

Kenya: Man stabbed over witchcraft

A 27-year-old man was stabbed to death yesterday evening at Kerinkan village, Trans Mara. Confirming the incident, Trans Mara Deputy OCPD Francis Mwangi said Richard Lang’at met the deceased in the village and accused him of having bewitching his daughter. Read more here.

Uganda: Police save suspected cannibals from lynching

Three residents of Kibooro, Burungu and Nyakaina villages in Kabarole District survived lynching on Monday over suspicion that they were cannibals. Read more here.

India: Hundreds killed over property every year

RANCHI: As property prices have shot up exorbitantly, land has become more valuable in Jharkhand than anything else. Even relation comes second. There have been a number of incidents where father has been killed by his sons for land and money. Many of the widows are branded witch by her relatives and killed for property. Almost one person is killed every day in the state in disputes over property. Surprisingly, Jharkhand reports more cases of killings than its neighboring states over such disputes. Read more here.

Kenya: In the Pink Corner – Will Witchcraft Come Into the 21st Century?

If you throw a stone into a random crowd in any part of Uganda, chances are you will hit someone who believes in witchcraft. And it does not matter whether the setting is the dusty taxi park or the parking lot of the spa at a Serena hotel – from all walks of life, this witchcraft business permeates our society, our behaviour and our thinking. It is the solution for all things and the excuse for a host of others. Read more here.

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