Posts by whrin_admin

Kenya: Police Fight Ganze Killings

GANZE police boss Jacob Kanaki has urged leaders to address the killing of the elders suspected of practising witchcraft in the sub county. Kanaki said police are busy collecting bodies of people murdered over witchcraft claims instead of protecting residents’ lives and property. Read more here.

Ghana: Father Beheads Six Year Old Son Over Witchcraft

Felix Lawson has allegedly beheaded his six years old step-son, Master Effiong Lawson. His step-son sneaked into the backyard and whispered to his younger sister to bring him food remnant as he was said to very be hungry, having not eaten for the past three days. Read more here.

Kenya: At least 20 elderly people killed monthly in Kilifi over witchcraft allegations

Police and officers from the Provincial Administration in Kilifi County have revealed that at least 20 elderly persons in the county get killed in a month on claims that they are practising witchcraft. Read more here.

India: Warkaris must back bill against black magic

The Maharashtra Andhashraddha Nirmoolan Samiti (MANS), an organisation working to eradicate superstitions, has appealed to the warkari movement to support the anti-superstition bill, and not to fall prey to “misguiding” forces that may instigate them against the proposed law. Read more here.

Zimbabwe: Widow victimised over alleged witchcraft

A 62 year old widow from Macheke is contemplating leaving her village after being labelled a witch by fellow villagers. Mbuya Thandiwe Sithole revealed that she has become a victim of harassment because she is being accused of practicing witchcraft. Read more here.

Congo: On the trail of witch hunters of Congo

The little boy, no more than five, wails as he is pummeled to break what his tormentors say is a phone line that he has been using to communicate with other evil spirits. As this distressing ritual goes on, the child is then forced to drink hot palm oil as the surrounding group of women ululates. Read more here.

Phuket: Phantom sex noises in Phuket, voodoo suspected

An inconclusive police investigation has prompted a Phuket woman to publicly appeal for help in unravelling the mysterious “sex noises” she keeps hearing at her Chalong home. Read more here.

South Africa: Pervasive problem of witchcraft needs a more urgent response

Hopolong Moeketsi, 34-year-old male, originally from Lesotho and, until last week, a resident of the Free State. In 2009, he killed an 84-year-old farmer and last week was sentenced for the murder. Read more here.

Ghana: Hope for women at Gambaga ‘witches’ camp’

A piece of land has been secured for the construction of a modern residential facility to house women and children who are currently living at the Gambaga alleged witches’ camp. Read more here.

Zambia: Chilubi villagers tie ‘wizard’ to tree

VILLAGERS in Chilubi tied a 70-year-old man to a tree overnight on suspicion that he was practicing witchcraft. They also accused the man of turning into a crocodile. Read more here.

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