Posts by whrin_admin

Nepal: ‘witchcraft’ attack condemned

Nepal’s women’s commission has condemned an attack in the remote west of the country on an elderly woman accused of witchcraft. The 60-year-old woman was stripped naked and had her head shaved. She was fed excrement and badly beaten. To read more click here

Britain: Horror at the hands of healers

DESPERATE Asian families are visiting unqualified ‘spiritual healers’ to try and cure their child’s disability. Families are splashing out hundreds of pounds on these healers in the hope their child’s autism or learning disability can be cured, campaigners have told Eastern Eye. Some healers in Britain carry out spells using black magic and may beat the child to rid it of ‘evil spirits’ – an experience which can leave the child traumatised. To read more click here

Nepal: WOREC Annual report 2012

WOREC Nepal (Women’s Rehabilitation Centre) since its inception in 1991, is actively engaged in the promotion and protection of human rights, campaigning on violence against women and trafficking of women as well as economic social and cultural rights. This year, WOREC jointly with NAWHRD (National Alliance of Women Human Rights Defenders) was actively engaged in 100 days campaign on violence against women and 60 days campaign on violence against women alleged as witches.  This annual report highlights the major accomplishment and achievements during 2012. To read more click here

Nepal – INSEC Situation of Human Rights in 2012: Overall assessment

During the six year long journey of the peace process, the year 2012 has become a darker one from a human rights perspective. Compared to previous years, more incidents of violence against women were recorded in INSEC documentation this year, with a total of 52 women victimized in the name of practising witchcraft. To read more click here

Nepal – A study on violence due to witchcraft allegation and sexual violence

Violence against women is a serious problem which often recieves less attention. Nepali women are no exception to this with 60-70% threatened by violence. The Informal Sector Service Centre (INSEC) have presented their overall description and details of incidents of rape, sexual violence and accusations of the practice of witchcraft practices in their 2012 report. To read full report click here

Spirit Possession and Mental Health Conference

20th SEPTEMBER 2013 | London Conference.

This one day Ethnic Health Initiative event will consider the critical themes and debates on spirit possession from an anthropological, social, psychological, medical and religious perspective using a range of illustrative case study, clinical practice and research.

This conference will be relevant to all professionals in the field of Mental Health and Social Care, including those from Local Authorities and NHS trusts across the UK, Social Workers, Approved Mental Health Professionals, Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Psychotherapists, Counsellors, Early Intervention Teams, CPN’s, OT’s, Chaplains, Community Faith Leaders & Healers, Equality Leads, Community Development Workers, Service User Representatives, Charities, Third Sector, Educational Establishments, Academics and Policy makers.

See the conference brochure here.

Under the Same Sun: Persons with albinism: Killed for “Muti”

Human body parts are used in muti to support the belief that regular muti medicine will be more effective if human body parts are involved. The body parts are often taken from live victims because of the belief that the intensity of their screams, while being chopped, enhances the potency of the medicine. Read more here.

Kenya: Drama as man bares ‘mum’s witchcraft’

Tension is high in a village in Tharaka Nithi County after locals found their photographs hidden in a house belonging to a suspected witch. Read more here.

Nigeria: Ritual Murder in Onitsha

The body of Mr. Miracle Onwura, who was a student of Learning Field International School, 3-3 was discovered with a deep hole in his heart by residents in the early hours of yesterday in a deep well at Abatete Drive by Ogbomanu.. Read more here.

Saudi Arabia: A Saudi couple was told that their maid is a witch

A Saudi couple was told by an Islamic spiritual healer named Raqi that their maid was a witch and was causing trouble for the family and their newborn baby girl. Read more here.

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