Posts by whrin_admin

Zambia: Witchcraft and Poverty

THE Daily Mail’s recent report that some teachers at Nashongo and Makaba primary schools in Siavonga have threatened to abandon their schools for fear of witchcraft and have already packed their belongings in readiness for departure if the wizards and witches continue with their acts can be read in many different ways. Read more here.

Kenya: Seven suspected witchdoctors arrested for administering oath to Mombasa Republican Council members

Police in Kwale County on have arrested seven witch doctors and who were allegedly administering oath to the members of Mombasa Republican Council ( MRC).Read more here.

California: Satan worshipper killed and skinned his mother on ‘unholy day’ that demands for a ritual human sacrifice

A man who strangled his mother and then dismembered her body when he was 18 years old has been sentenced to 25 years in prison. Read more here.

Uganda: The Hope Event: Calling for an End to Child Sacrifice

Having been tied up and held hostage for two years by a witch doctor, Hope is now leaving with 24 hour support from Kyampisi child care ministry. She was mutilated and is now disabled because of that. Read more here.

Uganda: Witchcraft fuels killings in Kayunga

Yakobo Kayizi, 75, had lived in Bulyankuyege village, Kayunga Sub-county, Kayunga District for more than 40 years until June this year when he was attacked by assailants at night. They beheaded him and cut off his private parts, before fleeing with the body parts.Fellow residents described Kayizi as a kind, honest, social and caring old man. Read more here.

Zambia: Zambian teachers say they live in fear of ‘invisible sex’ with witches. The witches have yet to comment

The week has barely begun and already the gods have served us up a fresh piece of crazy. It seems that teachers at the Nashongo and Makaba primary schools in Siavonga, Zambia have threatened to abandon their posts after a rash of indecent incidents involving invisible witches. According to Chief Sinadambwe of the Tonga-speaking people, the saucy sorcerers have been projecting their spirits into the teachers’ bedrooms and molesting them. And they don’t even have the decency to call in the morning. Read more here.

Kampala: Activists appeal for special law on child sacrifice

Activists have asked the government to enact a specific law to punish perpetrators of ritual sacrifices to reduce the vice.
“Child sacrifice in the country is on the increase. This is an intensely disturbing phenomenon that is driven by superstition, exploitation, witchcraft, and extreme poverty,” Pr Peter Sewakiryanga, the executive director of Kyampisi Childcare Ministries, said. Read more here.

Wicca, Witchcraft and the Goddess Revival: an examination of the growth of Wicca in post-war America

When dealing with a topic as unfamiliar as Wicca is to many, it seems important before progressing further to establish just what is meant by the terms ‘pagan’, ‘neopagan’, ‘witch’ and ‘Wiccan’, both to scholars and those to whom the terms apply. Read more here.

Kenya: Eldery exposed to witchcraft raids

At least 20 elderly people are killed in a month in Kilifi County over witchcraft allegations, according to police and the provincial administration. Read more here.

Zimbabwe: The pain that witch-hunters bring to villagers

THE pain that is etched on her face gives her a gauntly look. Tears fill her sunken eyes before they fall unbidden down her hollow cheeks. Read more here.

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