Posts by whrin_admin

Paris: Femen HQ hit by fire after ‘witches’ death threat

The Paris offices of militant feminist group Femen were hit by fire on Sunday. Although police are treating the blaze as an accident it comes after a recent death threat which said the activists should “burn” like “witches”. Read more here.

Kenya: Suspected witch found dead in Kilifi County

A 70 year old man was on Sunday found dead at his home in Chelala village in Kilifi County with deep cuts on his head. Read more here.

Kenya: Man remanded over charms

A suspected witchdoctor yesterday denied practising witchcraft in a Kwale court. Salim Mauchi was accused of threatening to use a charm on Ramadhan Gona at Tiwi in Kwale county on July 17. Prosecutor Peter Muiruri said police on patrol were informed of Mauchi’s actions. Read more here

Indonesia: Law to curb ‘blackmagic’ in Indonesia

A large percentage of the Indonesian population believes in black magic and there is a lot of money to be made as a “clairvoyant,” or practitioner of the dark arts. Read more here.

Rwanda: Police Should Intervene in the Rwamagana Witchcraft Allegations

THE pending banishment of a 60-year-old Thereza Bankundiye and her family over allegations of witchcraft is a barbaric act that should not be happening in this day and age. Residents of Kigabiro Sector, Rwamagana District have accused ageing Bankundiye of being a witch who has cast deadly spells that have caused deaths and sickness in the area. Read more here

India: Woman, son killed for ‘witchcraft’

RANCHI: A 60-year-old woman, alleged to be a witch, and her son were caned to death in Simdega district, 200km from here late on Thursday. Read more here.

India: Assam State Commission for Women seeks law to combat witch-hunting

GUWAHATI: With about 105 cases of witch-hunting cases being reported during 2006-2012, the Assam State Commission for Women (ASCW) has urged the state government to immediately formulate a law to combat the menace, as the number of cases is on the rise. Read more here

India: Sensitisation programme on witch hunting for police personnel

A state level sensitisation programme was organised for police personnel by the Assam State Commission for Women (ASCW) on Friday for intervention and prevention of witch hunting in the state. Police personnel from all the districts, especially those from the witch hunting affected areas such as Goalpara, Kokrajhar, Udalguri, Baksa, Chirang, etc, attended the programme held in Guwahati. Read more here.

Ghana: The First Lady has Good Intentions But…

On Tuesday 2nd July, 2013, Nurudeen Salifu a reporter of the Daily Graphic wrote a feature which appeared in page 40, centre spread titled “Hope for women at Gambaga ‘Witches camp’. The article presented a package of real hope for the alleged banished witches of the Gambaga camp, the oldest in the Northern region. The First Lady in consultation with the overlord of Mamprugu Traditional area has acquired a land to build a new settlement for these accused women. The right to live in clean and enhanced environment has to be ensured, hence thumbs up to Her Excellency Mrs. Lordina Mahama. Read more here.

Haiti: Traditional voodoo ceremony in Haiti

Thousands of Haitian pilgrims gathered at the sacred Saut d’Eau waterfall for a traditional ceremony to wash away their sins and to pray for a better future. Read more here.

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