Posts by whrin_admin

South Africa: South African president Zuma reveals he used to practice witchcraft against white people

South Africa’s president Jacob Zuma has told how he used to practise witchcraft against white people. Speaking in his native Zulu language at a pre-election rally in the country’s rural north, he told a crowd of his voodoo past. ‘I used to practise witchcraft around here, bewitching the Boers during apartheid’, Zuma reportedly said. Read more here

South Africa: Homes set alight following witchcraft allegations

The homes of two families were set alight by an angry mob, following the disappearance of a five-year-old boy. This follows after a local sangoma allegedly identified the owners of the homes as suspects and some community members wanted to take the law into their own hands. Read more here 

Controversial ‘witch hunter’ Helen Ukpabio comes to London

Channel 4 coverage of Ukpabio’s visit to London and WHRIN’s call for her to be deported. See here 

Hunting Witches – World Policy Journal Article by WHRIN

Article by Gary Foxcroft, Executive Director, WHRIN. Read full article here 

WHRIN 2014 Country Report: Witchcraft Accusations and Persecution in Nepal

Joint report with Bar Human Rights Committee of England and Wales and Forum for Protection of People’s Rights (PPR Nepal). Launched at National Women’s Commission in Kathmandu, Nepal, April 2014. See full report here

Mike Ormsby: Child Witch Kinshasa

It’s spring 2002 and Frank Kean is training journalists in troubled Congo. When he learns that religious zealots are persecuting so-called child witches, his reporter’s instincts kick in. Why so little news coverage of these ‘exorcisms’? He is determined to break the silence.
In a remote village, Pastor Precious arrives to battle Satan. Twelve-year-old Dudu faces a torrent of accusations and is forced to flee, far from home. The quick-witted boy swears he is not a witch, but evidence suggests otherwise. When Frank meets Dudu in Kinshasa, he sees an opportunity to help a vulnerable and wary street kid, even if it means crossing the line and making promises he may be unable to keep. But can they trust each other in a crisis? Child With Kinshasa is the first part of a two-volume novel, where fear and friendship collide in the shadow of a relentless civil war. The story continues in Child Witch London.
“I read this book during a recent trip to Nigeria, where I have worked to help children accused of witchcraft for over 10 years. I found the book thoroughly gripping, well informed and, in general, a fantastic read. It isn’t easy to capture the true issues behind why people accuse children of being witches but Mike Ormsby does this incredibly well. He also captures the shear horror of this issue in a humane, down-to-earth and, surprisingly funny way. It would make a great read for anyone and everyone but most especially those working in the fields of international development, street children and child protection in the UK and Africa would benefit from reading it. I’m really looking forward to the second part of the book, which will focus on the UK side of the issue”. Review by Gary Foxcroft, Executive Director, WHRIN

You can buy the book here

Violence Against Children Accused of Witchcraft – Statement by the Special Representative of the Secretary General on Violence Against Children

Violence Against Children Accused of Witchcraft, Statement by the Special Representative of the Secretary General on Violence Against Children – Marta Santos Pais –   Geneva, 10 March 2014. See full statement here

WHRIN Launches Report to UN – 21st Century Witchcraft Accusations and Persecution

Geneva, March 10th  2014 – WHRIN launches what may be the first ever report into the global scale of witchcraft accusations and persecution, muti killings and human sacrifice at the 25th session of the UN Human Rights Council. See full report here
Read more →

UN Human Rights Council Side Event – Children with Albinism: “Violence and Displacement”

Tuesday, March 11, 2014
1:00pm – 3:00pm, Palais des Nations, Room XXV

The Permanent Mission of Canada and the Permanent Mission of Somalia to the United Nations,
the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, UNICEF, and Under The Same Sun
invite you to a panel discussion. See details here 

UN Human Rights Council Side Event on Witchcraft Accusations

UN Human Rights Council Session 25 – Panel
March 10, 2014
10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Palais des Nations – Room XXVII
Geneva, Switzerland

Three members of the WHRIN team will be presenting at this event. For full details please see here 


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