Posts by whrin_admin

Namibia: People’s private parts removed for witchcraft rituals


Members of the community in Onayena settlement held a meeting with the Councillor for Onayena Constituency, Marx Nekongo this week and demanded that action be taken against the suspected culprits.

They alleged that weak people, such as drunkards and the mentally unstable, are often targeted by people who are practising witchcraft or known locally as ‘omindaba’.

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Uganda: ‘No Small Sacrifice’ – Child sacrifice in Uganda, in a global context of cultural violence

Violence occurs in many different forms across the world, at work, school, in the community and at home. Children are more often victims of violence than adults, because they are dependent on others for their daily care. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights gives every individual – including children – the right to a life free from all forms of

The first chapter of this report looks at violence against children – and child sacrifice in particular – from a global perspective; outlining the legal framework, and key facts and figures. The second chapter addresses these with particular
reference to Uganda. The report concludes with recommendations.

Read the report here

Thailand: They Burn Witches in Bangkok

Major general Rientong Nan-nah, self-appointed Witch-Finder-General and the director of Mongkutwattana General Hospital, has announced that he setting up the “Rubbish collection organisation” to root out all those who dare to criticise the monarchy. 

The Witch-Finder-General encourages the yellow shirts to bully the red shirts by offering rewards for any “witches” who are exposed. To get the rewards, the yellow shirts have to collect evidence such as messages posted on Facebook. Then they need to find out where the “witches” live and work and then they will circulate information among their network. They will report people to the police. Their behaviour is fascist witch-hunting, pure and simple.

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Nigeria: Saving Witch Children In Nigeria

In Nigeria beautiful, innocent children, as young as two years of age, are tortured, abandoned and killed by their own parents, family and community members. In a land stricken by poverty and illiteracy self-styled deliverance pastors and prophets have over the years branded thousands of children as witches.

Leonardo Rocha Dos Santos, cofounder and director of the Brazilian organization Way to the Nations, leads an orphanage in Nigeria that provides a safe place for the rescued children. In this interview he graphically illustrates the disturbing darkness that blankets the country of Nigeria.

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South Africa: Murder, Rape of Girl (14) Raise Muti Suspicions

The body of a teenage girl, believed to have been killed for muti purposes, were discovered in a bush near Happy Valley in Blackheath earlier this week.

Family members of the 14-year-old Nomsa Mosotho, a grade 10 learner at the Blackheath High School, told TygerBurger that the girl’s tongue were cut out, her limbs broken and her private parts also severely wounded.

One family member said that the crime was more than a “normal rape”. According to them the teenager also had a serious head injury.

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Tanzania: Witchcraft blamed for deteriorating Central Zone education standards

Witchcraft beliefs and some outdated traditional values and norms have been blamed for the deteriorating primary and secondary education standards in the Central  Zone.

The reasons were given out during a meeting to evaluate challenges facing the education sector that have contributed towards poor performance in the area.

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Kenya: 60 elderly people murdered each month in Kwale and Kilifi

At least 60 elderly people falsely accused of witchcraft are killed a month in Kwale and Kilifi counties, an official has said.

Malindi District Cultural Association chairman Emmanuel Munyaya said 10 alleged witches are buried every week.

“These are only the reported cases. Those people who are killed are many,” he said. Speaking to the Star on Monday at the Madca Centre, Munyaya said they are killed by greedy or spiteful relatives and neighbours.

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Fiji: ‘Don’t Leave Me!’

An only child was still reeling from shock yesterday after her father was taken by a group of men and died from injuries he came home with on Monday night.

Manisha Devi, 16, said she could not believe that her dad and closest friend — Vasu Dewan Naidu — had been removed from her life. The deceased, of Nawaicoba settlement in Nadi, was alleged to have been attacked by men who suspected him of practising witchcraft.

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Zambia: Chinsali man 50 shot dead for suspected witchcraft

Muchinga Province Deputy Police Commissioner Bonny Kapeso confirmed the development in an interview with the ZANIS in Chinsali .

Mr. Kapeso identified the deceased as Gleson Siwanzi who was shot   by unknown people on suspicion of practicing witchcraft adding that no suspects have been arrested yet.

Mr Kapeso has since advised people to exercise responsibility and appreciate the elderly in their community.

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Nigeria: Country Where Parents are Killing Their Own Children

If evaluated by the number of innocent children falsely branded as witches and killed by their superstitious parents and relatives, Nigeria is a country that has sunk deep into a spiritual and moral darkness.

Self-styled pastors, prophets and evangelists are perpetuating this darkness through their manipulative deliverance churches and ministries.

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