Posts by whrin_admin

Ghana: Juju’ in the Ghanaian music industry

News article discussing the extent to which Juju is used by Ghanaian musicians. See more here.

South Africa: Lover given 15 years for ‘ritual’ killing

Keeping satanic symbols, speaking in tongues and performing weird rituals were the things Grace Tommy (37) was exposed to while she was in a relationship with her killer, Samantha Mitchell (38), who was sentenced yesterday to 15 years’ imprisonment. Read more here.

Congo: Witchcraft in DR Congo the good, bad and the persecution

For Madame Christine, a 62 year-old woman accused of witchcraft, the barazas were a life line. In the village of Kikongo a mob gathered in the street to burn down the house of the suspected witch. Madame Christine went to the local police accusing ex-soldier Joseph of perpetrating the crusade against her. The police arrested him without trial. This enraged his fellow ex-soldiers so they marched to the local prison to destroy it and free their friend. Read more here.

Indonesia: Should witchcraft be criminalized?

The Criminal Code — inherited from 1918 Dutch colonialists — is to be revised. The government has proposed a new bill to the House of Representatives for deliberation. The bill has sparked controversy as it includes witchcraft in the penal code, categorizing it as a criminal offense punishable under the law. Read more here.

Nepal: Elderly woman brutalised by own family for witchcraft

DHANGADI: In another shocking case of witchcraft, an elderly woman of Beladevipur VDC of Kalali district was mercilessly beaten and abused after being charged with practicing witchcraft, on Friday. Read more here.

Papua New Guinea: Appalling violence against six women in Easter ‘witch-hunt’

Authorities in Papua New Guinea must take urgent action to prevent and punish ‘sorcery’-related violence, following reports six women and a man were abducted and subjected to acts of appalling cruelty, by a group who accused them of witchcraft. Read more here.

Working to abolish Child Sacrifice in Uganda

A report into the practice of child sacrifice and kidnapping in Uganda, which has slowly turned into a clandestine business involving traditional healers and business men. See full report here.

Through albino eyes: the plight of albino people in Africa’s Great Lakes region and a Red Cross Response

A report conducted by the Red Cross looking into the plight of albinos living in Burundi and Tanzania. Full report here.

Children Accused of Witchcraft: An anthropological study of contemporary practices in Africa

This report addresses the issue of children who are victims of violence and mistreatment due to local beliefs, representations and practices, in particular, relating to witchcraft.  The present document reveals and analyzes the diversity and
of these phenomena ‐ often falsely associated with “African tradition” ‐ related to beliefs in witchcraft and the “mystical” world. Using examples from sub‐Saharan Africa, the study clarifies the basis for certain social practices that are wholly or partially misunderstood by western observers.

Targeting child protection agencies, the report provides guidance on effective child protection interventions. See full report here.

Hocus Pocus, Witchcraft, and Murder: The plight of Tanzanian Albinos

The following article exposes the massacre of albinos in Tanzania and the problems that Tanzanian albinos face in their daily lives. It also proposes certain recommendations as to how the Tanzanian government, Tanzanian civil society and the international community should address the albino killings and end the discrimination against albinos in Tanzania. See full article here.

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