UK: A rapid literature review of evidence on child abuse linked to faith or belief
October 2012: The Childhood Wellbeing Research Centre (CWRC), based at the Institute of Education, was commissioned by the Department for Education (DfE) to conduct a small-scale review of previous research on ‘child abuse linked to faith or belief’. This will be used to help inform future policy in the area.The review set out to address the following questions:
Q1: What does the literature tell us about the incidence of abuse in the UK, and other selected countries where belief in witchcraft and related concepts is a factor?
Q2: What is known about the characteristics and context of child abuse linked to faith or belief in the UK and other selected countries?
Q3: What does the literature reveal about good practice and lessons to be learned for practitioners, agencies and
communities so as to reduce this type of child abuse in the UK in the future?
Q4: What are the gaps in the evidence base?
Download the report here
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